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CLOIP2MPWFSDAP Starvis IP Module Network Configuration
Connect the 12v 300mah power supply to the camera and a power outlet and an Ethernet (network) cable from the camera to a LAN port on your modem.

On a computer connected to the same network download and install the CLOIPxxxx Search Tool for Windows or MAC from the OzSpy Manual Archives.
- Mac Version:
- Windows Version:
Network Setup using the Search Tool

With reference to the above Search Tool screenshot select the check box (left) for the camera you wish to modify. On the right side you will now be able to configure the camera to match your network setup.
- The default camera IP Address is
- The default Gateway is This must match your modems IP Address exactly.
If your modems IP address is different from the default gateway above it will need to be changed for example:
Gateway also change the camera IP to The first 3 sets of digits must always match the gateway. Another popular Gateway is therefore set the IP to
NOTE: Every IP address on Network must be unique so if you have additional cameras or another device using that number change the last 3 digits to say 169… 170… 171, etc
To apply the changes, you will need to enter the cameras username and password. Defaults are admin for both and click modify. Allow a few minutes for the details to change and the camera to reboot.
Web Interface and Bitvision App Configuration
Using Internet Explorer (Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, etc are not supported) type the cameras IP Address (default into the address bar and enter. If you are asked to install a plug in please accept, install and then reopen the page. Enter the camera Username and Password admin (default) to login.

From the on screen menu go to: Configuration > Network > Advance Setup > P2P
Using your smartphone or tablet scan the relevant QR Code to download and install the Bitvision App.

- Account login – Prior to first use register an account using a valid email address and create a password of your choice. Login once registration has been completed.
- Add device – Select “Device” from the menu. On the new screen select the “+” and “Add Device”. “SN Add” will enable the QR scanner. Scan the Serial Number QR Code from the P2P Web Interface or printed on the label on the product box. The serial number can also be entered manually by selecting “input” located on the top right. Enter the username (default: admin), password (default: admin) and the captcha verification code (printed on the label on the box), and “Submit”. Set a device name (Home, Work, Camera etc) and a group, click “Finish”.
- Live preview and Playback – Open the “Real time” main display. Select a preview box and select the device to be displayed. The window will expand listing all available cameras and devices. Check boxes will toggle on or off the cameras to be displayed. Select “Done” to load the cameras live feed. To Playback recorded footage repeat the same steps from the “Playback” screen to load the cameras. Select the calendar icon (top right) to select the date. The playback timeline bar is located at the bottom of the screen.
Note: Bitvision can also be accessed via their website. Use your registered account details to login:
Factory Reset: Should the device become unstable please try a Factory Reset. Carefully insert a small pin like object into the reset button.
Full detailed manuals can be viewed or downloaded from our manual archive:
- Bitvision App
- Search Tool Full Manual: